Well, the reason is so simple, I just wanted to use my new English muffin pan.
Pleas note that, I bough it by myself, no commercial or advertising fee. ^^
I love to collect baking pans, especialy the one that can make the bake good look good , haha and this pan is one of them. I made the English muffins before by using cake rings and 2 sheet pans and one time, one of the cake ring slided down to the floor before it reched the oven ^^". This pan is the best answer for me.
Because this pan is made for making English muffins, so the first thing that I should make is English muffins, right?
I made small and very simple reicpe, you can hand-knead it too.
As the muffins are covered while baking, it won't rise much, and the texture will be chewy.
You can serve it the way you want or use it for making Egg benedict ^^ (the recipe for Egg benedict is here).
If you don't have this kind of pan, you still can make this muffins (the method for using cake rings and 2 sheet pans is in the reicpe).